In the framework of the RoBulUs initiative we have developed an Interactive Guide `Vision for Cohesion` and a mobile app. These are designed to serve young people from Bulgaria and Romania by facilitating their involvement as citizens in the planning and implementation of the EU Cohesion policy for 2021 – 2027 in the perspective of national and regional programmes.
During the last month 3 experimental sessions were organized, during which we met some of the prospective users of our products:
- Students from Varna University of Management, on 23rd of November 2021;
- Young entrepreneurs and youth leaders, online on 26th of November 2021;
- Pupils from PPHS `Rayko Tsonchev` on 10th of December, 2021
In the framework of Agenda we discussed with the young people the essence and purpose of the Cohesion policy and the role of their involvement in the decision-making processes related to its planning and implementation. Further on, the content of the Interactive Guide `Vision for Cohesion` was reviewed in details, which enabled the participating young people to orient in the pool of responsibilities of the parties, involved in the processes of planning and implementation of the Cohesion policy at European, national and regional level. This review also provided preconditions for acquisition of skills and knowledge, necessary for practicing civic participation in the field of local and regional development.
Next in each event, the participants were given (group and individual) practical tasks related to the exploitation of the mobile application which aimed testing its speed and accessibility, as well as the comprehence of the information presented therein.
Each event was closed by an evaluation on behalf of the participants. The majority of the participants (87%) considers the RoBulUs pilot tools as useful means for civic engagement in the field of the Cohesion policy and supposes that they will improve the youth civic engagement in the debating and designing of decisions on local and regional levels.