Civic participation is the foundation of good governance. It lays the foundation for the application of the principles of transparency, openness and efficiency in the planning and implementation of state policy.

The active involvement of citizens (especially young people) in decision-making and action at local and regional level is essential for the sustainable development of a more democratic, inclusive and prosperous society in which they will live and develop. Cooperation with people should become an integral part of the processes for determining the development priorities of the region or the country, as well as of the procedures for decision-making and implementation of policies aimed at meeting important public needs. This requires the formation and use of inclusion mechanisms through which to ensure sustainable results on truly important topics, the problems of everyday life of the average citizen.

In this regard, in the framework of project RoBulUs: Tools for enhancing youth engagement in Romania – Bulgaria cross-border cooperation, we developed a practical outline of the mechanisms through which the citizens can participate in the processes of decision-making. The focus of this document is towards provision of measures and identifications of local and regional priorities, that need to be reflected in the design and future implementation of Operational programs in Bulgaria and Romania. 

This practical outlines identifies and presents in synthesized form the legislative provided mechanisms for involvement of citizens and their organizations in the processes of planning, decision-making and their implementation to ensure sustainable local and regional development. Next – by providing the necessary knowledge, our Practical Outlines strive to encourage civic activism for inclusion in the implementation of the Cohesion Policy 2021 – 2027 and the use of its funding opportunities.