Civic participation is an opportunity for sorting out local and regional challenges. It guarantees real involvement of people in searching for solutions to everyday problems, as well as implementation of actions that support the development of a better society.
Although there are number of different mechanisms and pathways for civic participation, it is most often implemented in the form of variety by their type and character initiatives. The Cohesion policy of EU provides resources for the implementation of such activities, that support the economic and social development of regions in need.
The cross-border region of Romania and Bulgaria is one of these disadvantaged areas, that look for solution of common challenges in order to unlock the full spectrum of their untapped potential. Support in that is offered by the joint cross-border programme.
Six success stories of civic participation in he pm INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria 2014 – 2020 are presented in this section. The results of these stories have contributed to the solution of different problems of the region and have also boosted its development.