Today`s world is dynamic, digital, full with innovations. Mobile devices have long become more than a mean for communication and have taken most of our daily lives. They are source of information, tool for exchange of such, communication channel …and even a tool for stating own civic position.

Young people are vulnerable to actual themes. They are active, responsible and target-oriented. Youth value their time and resources and invest them in the truly important issues. What more important than forming the future of the local community or region?

A mobile app was developed in the framework of the RoBulUs project. It aims to propose the convenience of the new technologies and to provide the opportunity for inclusion in the decision-making processes regarding local and regional development.

The RoBulUs App ensures short information regarding the essence and application of the EU Cohesion policy and its priorities for 2021 – 2027. The application briefly presents the national, transnational and interregional programmes, in which Bulgaria participates in the previous and current programming periods. It also provides practical advices for applying the civic participation, incl. by providing access to some of the others project outputs – Step-by-step Guide `Vision for Cohesion` and video series with success stories from the implementation of the INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme. The application is particularly useful with the provided opportunity for interaction with local authorities and for participation in on-going public discussions of strategic documents and calls for proposals.

The mobile app is listed in Google Play and IStore