Mobile app facilitates the interaction with local authorities in regard to local growth

Today`s world is dynamic, digital, full with innovations. Mobile devices have long become more than a mean for communication and have taken most of our daily lives. They are source of information, tool for exchange of such, communication channel …and even a tool for stating own civic position.

Young people are vulnerable to actual themes. They are active, responsible and target-oriented. Youth value their time and resources and invest them in the truly important issues. What more important than forming the future of the local community or region?

A mobile app was developed in the framework of the RoBulUs project. It aims to propose the convenience of the new technologies and to provide the opportunity for inclusion in the decision-making processes regarding local and regional development.

The RoBulUs App ensures short information regarding the essence and application of the EU Cohesion policy and its priorities for 2021 – 2027. The application briefly presents the national, transnational and interregional programmes, in which Bulgaria participates in the previous and current programming periods. It also provides practical advices for applying the civic participation, incl. by providing access to some of the others project outputs – Step-by-step Guide `Vision for Cohesion` and video series with success stories from the implementation of the INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme. The application is particularly useful with the provided opportunity for interaction with local authorities and for participation in on-going public discussions of strategic documents and calls for proposals.

The mobile app is listed in Google Play and IStore

International interest to the RoBulUs initiative and outputs

The RoBulUs ` team was invited by the EU-wide professional network Border Focal Point Network to share its achievements in the work with young people and in encouraging their civic participation.

The ‘Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debates’ series has been designed to highlight ways in which cross-border regions can be supported in tackling specific problems, building on their many assets. Central point in the sixth issue of the debates is 2022 European Year of Youth. It was held on February 3rd and the RoBulus project was one of the only 2 presented good practices in the youth work.

With deep appreciation for the invitation and the interest we are sharing the record of the debate here: 

The RoBulUs` Final Conference `Vision for Cohesion` will be held on December 21st

During the last almost 12 months the RoBulUs team worked on the theme of civic participation and the opportunities for involvement in the planning, design and implementation of operational programmes of Romania and Bulgaria and the programme for cross-border cooperation  INTERREG VI-A

In that period, the project team surveyed the Bulgarian and the Romanian legislation, developed an Outlines and a Guide that support the utilization of the mechanisms for civic engagement, video-shot and presented 6 good practices for realization of own ideas in support of regional growth, proposed mobile app, which tested and experimented with its potential users.

Today, the same team organizes the project`s final conference `Vision for Cohesion`, in order to:

  • present our achievements;
  • Outline on practice the planning process of local development;
  • Present the national programmes of Bulgaria for the period 2021 – 2027 that are supported by the Cohesion Policy;
  • Encourage civic engagement and utilization of the capital of ideas, resources and motivation of young people for achieving local and regional development.
  • Create settings and pathways for discussing ideas and potential cooperation between citizens and local authorities.


The event themes are based on real-life practice and are considered useful for all young people, youth workers and leaders, who want to participate more actively in the processes of planning and implementation of the operational programmes of Bulgaria and Romania as well as the cross-border cooperation programme of the states Romania – Bulgaria.

The event is organize in hybrid form which enables all stakeholders to participate online or in presence in accordance with the current recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

The places are limited, so please request your participation before 17th of December.

RoBulUs` tools were presented to more than 50 Bulgarian municipalities

Project RoBulUS `Tools for enhancing youth engagement in Romania – Bulgaria cross-border cooperation` were presented during the `conference Closer Europe – open platform for civic engagement` which was held online on November 30th.

The conference was organized by Association for Social Responsibility and Development through Innovations (ASORI and more than 70 participants took part in it – including representatives from more that 50 municipalities.

Within our short introduction, we managed to present all project outputs but  logically, the focus was put on the mobile application. The representatives of the participating local authorities were informed about the possibility to be included in the mobile app`s communication channel for ease interaction with their citizens on the topic of local development and project ideas.

All interested municipal and district administrations may submit their interest for being included in the list of receivers of communications from the citizens by just connecting with our team.

Opportunity for participation in the RoBulUS`s mobile app improvement and update

In the framework of the RobUlUs project we created a mobile app which to supports the young people`s awareness regarding Cohesion policy and its contribution for the local community and wellbeing. The mobile app presents the national, cross-border and interregional programmes in which Romania and Bulgaria participate and encourages the citizen engagement in their planning and implementation.

The RoBulUs mobile app  is on disposal of all stakeholders, which besides using it may contribute to its assessment, improvement and upgrade.

Connect with us to present your ideas.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

RoBulUs stands for Tools for Enhancing Youth Engagement in Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation. It is an initiative that supports youth in becoming more aware and involved in decision making processes. 

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