Discussion with focus groups in Bulgaria – overview of the event

A pro-active discussion with the Bulgarian youth community was held on June 7th in the framework of the organized discussion with focus groups.

In this online meeting were involved about 20 people with interests in the Cohesion policy and the CBC Romania – Bulgaria programme, respectively – from their priorities for the upcoming 2021 – 2027 programing period. 

In the framework of this interactive event, the RoBulUs team discussed with the participants part of the outputs developed within the project and namely: (a) practical outlines for the mechanisms of civic participation in the planning and implementation of (operational and cross-border) programmes and (b) videos with successful initiatives implemented in the framework of INTERREG Romania – Bulgaria Programme. 

Based on the feedback received, the project team shall fine-tune the presented outputs and will make them accessible for the general public.  

Informational materials for the meeting can be found here and here, while the final project outputs will be listed in the Publications section of our website.


Call for participants in 2 on-line Focus group discussions

Are you interested in the future of your region? Would you like to participate in its change? Are you ready to be more active citizen and to use the existing mechanisms for participation in the design and implementation of operational and cross-border programs? 

If your answer is YES, then join us in one of our focus group discussion events that are organized in the next 2 weeks – on June 7th (10H) for Bulgarians and on June 14th (14H) for Romanians. 

The events Agenda includes: 

 –  Presentation of the Cohesion Policy and its priorities for the period  2021 – 2027 ;

– discussion on the Cross-border cooperation programme Romania – Bulgaria – its achievements and future opportunities for local and regional development; 

– overview of the existing mechanisms for civic participation in the planning and implementation of operational and cross-border prgrammes;

Main objective of these events is to popularize the topics listed above, but also to present and discuss with the youth community part of the products developed in the framework of the project so to foster more active participation in the local and regional development. 


The events are free o charge and open to all interested parties – youth workers and youth leaders, young people that have participated in the implementation of different projects, etc. The events will be held online through ZOOM. A preliminary registration is required. 

For more information – please contact the organizers. 

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

RoBulUs stands for Tools for Enhancing Youth Engagement in Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation. It is an initiative that supports youth in becoming more aware and involved in decision making processes. 

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