Similar to all processes of policy decision-making, the process of programming or designing the strategies and policies for development is a cycle of six stages: (а) setting an agenda; (b) policy making; (c) making a decision; (d) implementation; (e) tracking; (f) reformulation.

Key role and responsibilities in this cycle have the national and regional authorities in partnership with the European commission. Still, in foremost part of these six-stages is necessary to involve third parties incl. citizens and their organizations. In particular, the design and implementation of Cohesion policy and the programming of the national strategies for development is implemented as follows:

1. Setting an agenda

1.1. The European Council and the European Parliament, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission take decision on the budget for the policy and the rules for its spending ;

1.2. The principles and priorities of the Cohesion Policy are clarified through: a) analysis of the state of the regions; (b) the achievements of previous periods; (c) consultations between the Commission and the EU Member States;

1.3. Draft version of the main concepts of the policy is included in a cycle of public consultations with the stakeholders.

2. Policy Making

2.1. Each Member state develops draft of a partnership agreement, where it sets out its strategy for development (based on the concept of the Cohesion policy) and proposes a list of programmes for its implementation.

2.2. Draft Operational programmes are prepared by the responsible public authorities or established for that purpose groups/ bodies.

2.3. The drafts of the programmes are publicly discussed, and all interested citizens can participate in this consultation.

3. Вземане на решенияMaking a decision

3.1. The Commission shall agree with the national authorities the final content of the partnership agreement , incl. sets out the financial sources that are to be directed to this state;

3.2. The Commission shall agree with the national authorities the final content of the national operational programmes relating to their compliance with the priorities of the Cohesion policy, expected results and etc.

3.3. The EC coordinates the content of national, cross-border and interregional programmes for cooperation.

4. Implementation

4.1. The programs are implemented through the successful execution of individual project initiatives. The projects are prepared within the so-called procedures or calls for projects that have a budget and defined priorities. Their final version (usually) is adopted after a public consultation with all stakeholders.

5. Monitoring

5.1. The responsible Managing Authority) monitors the implementation of the projects on the basis of reports received from the beneficiaries. The achievements of the projects are summarized in the Ministry's progress report on the relevant program, which is sent to the Commission. This is done regularly. In turn, the Commission summarises the achievements of the individual countries in its report to the EP and the Council on the progress of the Cohesion Policy.

6. Reformulation

6.1. In the course of implementation of the programs it is possible to create a new task of much greater importance or to trace the possibility of redirecting funds between priorities. Then, the new circumstances are presented, the need of reformulation is justified, the programs are revised and re-agreed with the Commission.

The programming process is a cycle that has a two-way pattern: “top-down” for goal setting and “bottom-up” for reporting and evaluating the results. The Cohesion policy is the strategic framework that defines the development interests at EU level. It outlines the general objectives to be achieved by the Community over a period of 7 years. On this basis, each Member State should draw up a development strategy that meets its individual needs but also contributes to the overall progress sought.

Further, the national strategy is differentiated by scope and areas of impact and finds expression in the complex of the so-called. “Operational programs”, the total number of which varies. Each of these programs sets general and specific goals, as well as seeks the generation of specific results and effects, the total achievement of which will contribute to the realization of the national ones.

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RoBulUs stands for Tools for Enhancing Youth Engagement in Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation. It is an initiative that supports youth in becoming more aware and involved in decision making processes. 

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